Physician UX


The information provided on our platform is for general purposes only. We do not guarantee its accuracy or completeness. Users are advised to verify information independently and use it at their own risk. We are not responsible for any damages or losses resulting from the use of our platform. External links are provided for convenience, but we do not endorse their content.


Last updated  November 01, 2023


The information provided by Physician UX Inc. (“we,” “us,” or “our”) on (the “Site”) is for general informational purposes only. All information on the Site is provided in good faith, however we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of any information on the Site. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE SHALL WE HAVE ANY LIABILITY TO YOU FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE OF ANY KIND INCURRED AS A RESULT OF THE USE OF THE SITE OR RELIANCE ON ANY INFORMATION PROVIDED ON THE SITE. YOUR USE OF THE SITE AND YOUR RELIANCE ON ANY INFORMATION ON THE SITE IS SOLELY AT YOUR OWN RISK.


The Site may contain (or you may be sent through the Site) links to other websites or content belonging to or originating from third parties or links to websites and features in banners or other advertising. Such external links are not investigated, monitored, or checked for accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness by us. WE DO NOT WARRANT, ENDORSE, GUARANTEE, OR ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ACCURACY OR RELIABILITY OF ANY INFORMATION OFFERED BY THIRD-PARTY WEBSITES LINKED THROUGH THE SITE OR ANY WEBSITE OR FEATURE LINKED IN ANY BANNER OR OTHER ADVERTISING. WE WILL NOT BE A PARTY TO OR IN ANY WAY BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MONITORING ANY TRANSACTION BETWEEN YOU AND THIRD-PARTY PROVIDERS OF PRODUCTS OR SERVICES.


Medical Disclaimer *Physician UX Inc. (“we,” “our,” or “the Company”) provides the Physician UX platform as a tool to assist healthcare providers in the creation and management of patient notes. While we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of accuracy and reliability, it is important to understand and acknowledge the following: Provider Responsibility: The healthcare provider is solely responsible for the accuracy, completeness, and quality of the information added into a patient’s chart or electronic health record (EHR). Note Review and Edits: It is the responsibility of the healthcare provider to thoroughly review and make any necessary edits to patient notes generated or managed through the Physician UX platform. The final patient note should reflect the provider’s professional judgment and assessment. No Liability: Physician UX Inc. will not be held liable for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the final patient note, regardless of whether it was created, managed, or assisted through our platform. Our platform is intended to enhance efficiency and convenience but does not replace the provider’s clinical expertise. No Medical Advice: The content provided by Physician UX Inc. should not be considered medical advice. It is for informational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical judgment, diagnosis, or treatment. Consultation with Healthcare Provider: Patients and providers should always consult with a qualified healthcare provider for specific medical concerns or conditions. Information obtained from the Physician UX platform should be used in conjunction with the provider’s own assessment. By using the Physician UX platform, you acknowledge and accept that the ultimate responsibility for patient care, accurate documentation, and compliance with healthcare regulations rests with the healthcare provider. Our platform is designed to assist and streamline processes but does not replace the provider’s role in delivering high-quality care. Additional Information: Please be advised that Physician UX is designed as a real-time tool for transcribing and summarizing patient interactions and information. Its primary function is to assist healthcare providers in capturing and organizing patient data during the encounter, facilitating immediate and efficient documentation. Limitations of Use: Not a Backup System: Physician UX is not intended to serve as a backup system for storing patient information. Users should not rely on Physician UX as the sole repository for important patient data needed for future reference. Immediate Use and Data Export: The platform is optimized for immediate use during patient encounters. Users are encouraged to export or transfer the results from Physician UX to their primary Electronic Health Records (EHR) system or other secure storage solutions post-encounter for long-term documentation and compliance purposes. Responsibility of Data Management: The responsibility of maintaining, storing, and backing up patient information rests with the user. Physician UX facilitates documentation but does not replace the need for comprehensive data management practices in line with healthcare standards and regulations. Data Integrity and Security: While Physician UX employs robust security measures to protect data during its immediate use, we recommend that users follow their organizational protocols for data storage, backup, and security to ensure ongoing protection of patient information. By using Physician UX, users acknowledge these limitations and agree to utilize the platform within the scope of its intended purpose. Physician UX is committed to supporting healthcare providers in their day-to-day operations while emphasizing the importance of proper data management and storage practices. THE USE OR RELIANCE OF ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED ON THE SITE IS SOLELY AT YOUR OWN RISK.


The Site may contain testimonials by users of our products and/or services. These testimonials reflect the real-life experiences and opinions of such users. However, the experiences are personal to those particular users, and may not necessarily be representative of all users of our products and/or services. We do not claim, and you should not assume, that all users will have the same experiences. YOUR INDIVIDUAL RESULTS MAY VARY.
The testimonials on the Site are submitted in various forms such as text, audio and/or video, and are reviewed by us before being posted. They appear on the Site verbatim as given by the users, except for the correction of grammar or typing errors. Some testimonials may have been shortened for the sake of brevity where the full testimonial contained extraneous information not relevant to the general public.
The views and opinions contained in the testimonials belong solely to the individual user and do not reflect our views and opinions. We are not affiliated with users who provide testimonials, and users are not paid or otherwise compensated for their testimonials.